Follow us on Instagram to get a look behind the scenes of your favorite Bald Guy With A Bowtie! Here you’ll find photos of friends and family, motivational moments, inspirational posts, videos and more about what DREAM. INSPIRE. LOVE means. Post your own #baldguywithabowtie on Instagram or Twitter to get featured on our website!

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Follow us on Instagram to get a look behind the scenes of your favorite Bald Guy With A Bowtie! Here you’ll find photos of friends and family, motivational moments, inspirational posts, videos and more about what DREAM. INSPIRE. LOVE means. Post your own #baldguywithabowtie on Instagram or Twitter to get featured on our website!

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Don’t let Mondays drag you down! Let your #baldguywithabowtie propel your week by joining us for #MONDAYMOTIVATION designed to give you a dose of confidence, tactics for self improvement, and self awareness to get you through the week. Subscribe to our YouTube and be reminded of how important it is to DREAM. INSPIRE. LOVE.



Don’t let Mondays drag you down! Let your #baldguywithabowtie propel your week by joining us for #MONDAYMOTIVATION designed to give you a dose of confidence, tactics for self improvement, and self awareness to get you through the week. Subscribe to our YouTube and be reminded of how important it is to DREAM. INSPIRE. LOVE.



My name is Mario Galdos and I am THE BALD GUY WITH A BOW TIE! I was born July 9, 1982 in El Paso, TX and now reside in a suburb of San Antonio, TX. I have a beautiful wife, Stephanie and 3 Handsome Boys named Darien, Triton, and Atlas. Life is full of struggles, whether it be personal, family, or business, and I am committed to seeing the positivity in all of it. I believe that the Pursuit of Progress is Greater than the Pursuit of Perfection. Join me each week as we go through life together and fill others with the passion to DREAM. INSPIRE. LOVE.


My name is Mario Galdos and I am THE BALD GUY WITH A BOW TIE! I was born July 9, 1982 in El Paso, TX and now reside in a suburb of San Antonio, TX. I have a beautiful wife, Stephanie and 3 Handsome Boys named Darien, Triton, and Atlas. Life is full of struggles, whether it be personal, family, or business, and I am committed to seeing the positivity in all of it. I believe that the Pursuit of Progress is Greater than the Pursuit of Perfection. Join me each week as we go through life together and fill others with the passion to DREAM. INSPIRE. LOVE.

Are you ready to, GO!? Motivation without education is discouragement.
Education without accountability is disappointment. I recently started mentorship under a coaching organization named, GO! Coaching. GO! Stands for Growth Only and is one of the top coaching companies in the country, for the lending industry. Here’s a few facts I learned about the way people learn and process information taught to them. You’ll either be the student who re learns to continue growing, the instant implementer who’s consistent, or the one who does nothing. Which one are you? Check out this weeks motivation for more. #baldguywithabowtie #mondaymotivation #motivation #dreaminspirelove #go!coaching #growthonlycoaching #growthonly #growthmindset #learning #accountability #education

Empower your Week! Recently, your Bald Guy with a Bow Tie, took his family vacation on a cruise and saw something you’d only believe if you saw with your very own eyes. Mario, was able to capture this nature moment on film and appreciate the natural beauty that exists in the world. Sometimes, nature forces us to be reminded of the simplicity its beauty has to offer. This week take a moment to embrace that natural beauty life has to offer. If you’re feeling down or low, then walk outside and take a moment to love and appreciate how beautiful life is. Most of the time we’re working to overcome first world problems. Give your daily worries to The Lord and be grateful for what you have! Have a great week! #mondaymotivation #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #dolphins #gratitude #grateful #giveittothelord #familyvacation #makingmemories ...

WORK HARD. PLAY HARD. #mondaymotivation #vacationmode #dreaminspirelove #baldguywithabowtie ...

I NEED YOUR HELP?! Every year for my birthday I throw a Birthday fundraiser for the Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas! 15 years ago our Oldest son, Darien, lost his biological mom, Sarah to a nerve disease. Check out Darien‘s testimonial in this video as well! Our family matches dollar for dollar up to $2,500. We know times we tough but $1 goes a long way! Please follow the link on the QR code in the video, in the message or DM for more information. We also have a fundraiser on Facebook. Thanks in advance for your support! #childrensbereavementcenterofsouthtexas #cbcst #baldguybowtie #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #charity #giversgain #comingfromcontribution #everythingcounts #love #donation ...

ADVICE FOR THE NEW WEEK: Spread Joy!! You are capable of so much, Including spreading joy and happiness to others! Take a moment to ask yourself how you can spread joy to others! Sometimes, the action starts with something as simple as a Smile! 😀 Have a great week! #motivation #mondaymotivation #spreadjoy #joy #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove ...

What’s your RIPPLE EFFECT? This weeks motivation is brought to you by John Heider, in his book “the Tao of Leadership”. The excerpt is called, the Ripple Effect. I received this on Father’s Day and felt like it was the perfect thing to share with you! What will you do to ensure you have a ripple effect pointing towards the bigger picture?! #mondaymotivation #rippleeffect #taoofleadership #motivation #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #leadership #youmatter ...

Not all Faith, is Good Faith! A lot of us struggle with anxiety and mindset. Reality is that anxiety is your imagination being creative and manifesting the worst case scenario coming true. This is what you’d call, Bad Faith. Opposed to believing in God, or in something that you feel will work for the greater good and work favorably for all involved. Good Faith! Check out this weeks motivation for more! #faith #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #goodfaith #badfaith #anxiety #fear ...

The End of one Thing…. Marks the beginning of another! This past weekend my wife, Stephanie and I attended a Funeral and then a wedding! This gave us perspective to life’s cycle and humor to remind us of these lessons and how we must embrace our position every day! We don’t know how long we have to make a difference in the universe so might as well start doing your part, every day! Embrace new seasons as one chapter ends and another begins! Check out this week’s motivation for more! #baldguywithabowtie #seasons #dreaminspirelove #endofonething #beginningofanother #seasonschange #funeral #wedding ...

Wise Man Says…. People don’t get burned out.
People forget why, they’re doing what they’re doing. Check out this short work week’s motivation for more! Grateful to those who have served our country to protect our freedoms. Also, huge shoutout to Mario’s Dad (Mario Sr.) for his 21st birthday, again! #wiseman #motivation #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #whatsyourwhy #purpose #celebrate

Got Courage? This week, Unleash your inner, Lion! Not your, Cowardly Lion! This week I challenge you to work on having confidence and courage in all your conversations. Without fear of being disliked or not having the popular opinion. You can do hard things. If you have faith and the Holy Spirit in your heart then he will lead you to bring your best self! #holyspirit #courage #motivation #mondaymotivation #hardconversations #hardthings #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #cowardlylion ...

You can do HARD THINGS! Every day we’re given an opportunity to try something new. If we don’t succeed at first , the majority of people abandon the idea and never try again! This week I encourage you to revisit a goal you previously set for yourself and ask yourself if you gave up too soon? Take it from my 6 year old, Atlas! He accomplished a goal my wife Stephanie and I thought may never happen! Check out this week’s #mondaymotivation for more. If you need additional accountability please email #dreaminspirelove #baldguywithabowtie #accountability #setGoal #goal #persistence #tryagain #hardthings #encourage #encourageothers ...

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! #baldguywithabowtie #mothersday ...

What are your Core Values? How do you embrace those values on a daily basis? Personally, I like to surround myself with my 3 core values on a daily basis. “Do the Right Thing, Show People You Care, Do your Very best!” I have them in my back conference room at my office to remind me of what I stand for. Whenever in doubt or if I’m struggling with a conflict or situation I ask myself if I’m doing the right thing with the way I’m rationalizing the situation, if I’m showing people I care with my actions, and if I’m doing my very best with my response! Here’s your reminder to have a few core values that represent who you are! Also, here’s your reminder that it’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Go out and love on an educator. They’re the reason we’re here in life and a huge reason your kids and the children of the future will impact others! Happy Monday & Have a great week! #crushit #mondaymotivation #corevalues #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #dream #inspire #love #teacherappreciationweek #teacherappreciation #dotherightthing #showpeopleyoucare #doyourbest ...

I never make videos like this… but felt compelled to today! For all of you who who are going through something. Here’s, a Prayer for You! No matter what’s going on in your world! Have Faith! The Lord has you! #mondaymotivation #baldguywithabowtie #aprayerforyou #dreaminspirelove #pray #prayer #dream #inspire #love ...

Do Less Better!!!! Here’s a few things to consider as you get into your week! Remember, every time you say yes to something you say NO, to something else! Check out this week’s motivation for more! #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove #dolessbetter #lessismore #justsayno #motivation #mondaymotivation ...

So things you love with those you love! Have a great weekend! #makingmemories #baldguywithabowtie #familydatenight ...

WASP SEASON is Here!!!! Time to call the exterminator and also get out the chanclas! This past weekend I took out a wasp that had made it inside my family’s home. As I approached the wasp, my wife, Stephanie, encouraged me not to hesitate and just do it. To squish the wasp and not think about it. In life we tend to hesitate before doing something hard, or even going into our week! Sometimes in life, we need to do things without overthinking them or hesitating. Check out this weeks motivation for more! #mondaymotivation #hesitate #motivation #overthinking #overthinker #justdoit #doit #belikenike #baldguywithabowtie #dreaminspirelove ...

Are you chasing your Eclipse? While I’d like to think everyone pursues their passions and once in a lifetime opportunities, without regard, sometimes we miss the mark by making other things a priority. In Texas we’re embracing a once every 20-40 year Solar Eclipse and encourage you to use this reminder to pursue your passions and what motivates you to grab hold of your once in a lifetime opportunity! Check out this weeks motivation for more! #baldguywithabowtie #solareclipse #eclipse #onceinalifetime #opportunity #totaleclipse #dreaminspirelove ...

Are you good at dealing with the unexpected? We never know when lighting strikes or if it will strike twice. We have to be ready to pivot at a moments notice. As previously stated. Be the Buffalo. This week I challenge you to have a litmus Test for your self and family values! Check out this weeks motivation for more! #mondaymotivation #baldguywithabowtie #litmustest #litmus #values #familyvalues #lightning #beabuffalo #buffalo ...

RED ALERT! CHANGE IS COMING! Here’s how to handle it…. Happy Monday, Have a Great week! #baldguywithabowtie #changeiscoming #alwayschange #adapt #adjust #overcome #execute #mondaymotivation #motivation #change ...